en-adv|-|pos=of course
- idiom naturally, indisputably
Arabic: ARchar|طبعا|طبع�ا, ARchar|با�تأ��د
Chinese: ��, �� (d�ngrán)
Danish: selvfølgelig, naturligvis
Dutch: natuurlijk
French: bien sûr, bien entendu, naturellement
German: selbstverständlich, natürlich
Finnish: tietysti, tietenkin, totta kai, ilman muuta
Greek: ���ικά (fisiká)
Hungarian: persze
Icelandic: auðvitað, að sjálfsögðu
Indonesian: tentu
Italian: certo, per forza, naturalmente
Latin: scilicet
Japanese: �� (����, t�zen)
Korean: ë¬¼ë¡ (mullon)
Norwegian: selvsagt, naturligvis
Persian: FAchar|ا�بت� (albatteh)
Polish: oczywi�cie
Portuguese: naturalmente, de acordo, claro
Romanian: bineînţeles, desigur, sigur
Russian: коне�но (koné�no), а как же (a kak že), е�� б� (ješ�ó by)
Spanish: t|es|por supuesto, t|es|desde luego
Swedish: naturligtvis, självklart
Turkish: tabii ki
Usage notes
This phrase is used to accomplish various functions, for example:
:# to indicate enthusiastic agreement:
:#: Of course I'll go with you.
:# to acknowledge the validity of the associated phrase:
:#: Of course, there will be a few problems along the way.
:# to assert that the associated phrase should not be argued, particularly if it is obvious or there is no choice in the matter:
:#: Of course I know that!
:#: You will, of course, surrender all your future rights to the property.
Category:English prepositional phrases
fr:of course
it:of course
ja:of course
pl:of course
pt:of course
fi:of course